Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Landscaping Fun!

As you know, we have been re-doing the front flower bed of the house. After much planning, this is what we have so far. I am the proud owner of 5 winter gem boxwood shrubs (courtesy of Hines Nursery - thank you for distributing them to Home Depot for me Lauren) and two topiary shrubs. The name escapes me of what variety they are. I am working on getting a permanent landscape down that will grow and mature more each year. Look for more updates as we will be filling in the front with some colorful perennials and annuals.

I also planted two Hosta's in our shady wet area where nothing grows. Cross your fingers on these little guys.
This is my herb garden I have started after realizing fresh herbs are much too expensive to buy at the grocery store. I have Bob the Basil, Pam the Parsley, and Clive the Chive. Hopefully they will thrive!


  1. Looks good. When are getting the other perinnials for the front? I am excited to see your layout in the present!

  2. Positively adorable! I hope all of the plants thrive in your yard and Hines appreciates your business, haha! Thanks very much for doing your part to keep me gainfully employed.

    I hope your herbs do well, too. I have never had great success with them in the past because I don't have a cute window to keep them in anywhere and I am always scared the cat will eat them. She's the main reason we can't have nice things.

    Make sure you check out the pictures I finally posted from the housewarming that you and Matt crossed the Sea of Pasadena to get to!
