Friday, March 27, 2009

Flashback Friday!

Here are some baby pictures of me. My sister is in the process of making all of our old family photos digital. I have been sending them to Matt as he has never seen any baby picutes of me. His response was that I was a "dudely" baby. How sweet. Curious to see if anyone agrees.

When I asked if he thought it looked like me, he said "your eyebrows look the same". Guess they have never grown in.....

Me and my sister Candace in this one...

Wondering when I got in my time machine and went back to the late 70's early 80's?

I didn't, that's my mom when she was close to my age. Please insert your creeped out comments below.


  1. I am belly laughing - you dude!

  2. hahaha like my name below??? after I figure this blog thingie out, I'll do it (dang it Natalie)!! :) You REALLY look like your mom, IDENTICAL! Crazy...

  3. I think you could have been the next Gerber baby--don't listen to Matt!

    Also, your mother needs to be studied so we can find out how she managed to bud you asexually off of her body in an act of self-cloning. I don't think your father, as nice as he is, had anything to do with your existence.
